
Borderlands 2 custom weapons codes
Borderlands 2 custom weapons codes

  • From here you will have to find your character save location if it is not automatically set there.Ĭ:\Users\*******\Documents\my games\borderlands\savedata.
  • Run WillowTree#.exe and click the orb in the top left corner, select open.
  • Extract WillowTree#.zip anywhere you prefer, I suggest your Borderlands root directory just to keep everything in one place.
  • Extract the folders “MapSlots” and “Oasis” from Oasis.zip into the following directory.
  • If you are using steam go to the following directory and delete the file “nvcpl.dll”Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Borderlands\Binaries If you are not using a steam version skip to step 5. If you are using Windows XP or Vista (really…?) run the fix.bat If you are running Windows 7 run the file win7_fix.bat
  • Located in the folder you just extracted to:.
  • If you didn’t merge folders you extracted it to the wrong spot.
  • It should promt you to merge and overwrite files, select yes to all.
  • Extract the ZBL_Patch.zip to your Borderlands directory.
  • Download all of the resources listed above.
  • These are the resources you will require to begin your modding.

    borderlands 2 custom weapons codes

    This is for the latest version of Borderlands 3.

    borderlands 2 custom weapons codes

    In this tutorial you will learn how to play custom content and enable the level editor with step by step instructions. How to Create Borderlands 3 Mods? How to Create Borderlands 3 mods for PC

    Borderlands 2 custom weapons codes